Julian @YouTube

Seize The Day (I should’ve read my own lyrics, before recording this… it was more like “Stumbling The Day”, but you know, that doesn’t really sound all that poetic and shit. Just make sure that every time you hear “SEIZE”, you should replace it with “STUMBLING”. lol)

He had a chocolate flavored vision
Saw the rainbow every day
I wanna figure out his happiness
Coz I see craziness when I look around

He didn’t take his life for granted
Every breath and every beat of his heart
Another day, a possibility
An opportunity in his eyes, he told me

Seize the day
Never let it fade away
You keep on running from the truth
The miracle is just too much for you
Seize the day
You need to find a way
Look around and you’ll see through
The beauty of life, the way I do

What about the past or the future
They’re just pictures, frozen in your mind
The more you think, the less you’re living
With the time you’re given, you’d better smile!

Repeat chorus

Now don’t believe this world will wait for you one minute
You can be sure about one thing; time goes on
It doesn’t matter whether you’re happy or down and out
Time goes on, time goes on.

Repeat chorus

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